One of those days

It’s already after lunch time and the day is going well in the end. I didn’t arrive on this job until 10am. I was supposed to be fitting some lead externally on a cottage but the weather was rubbish. I’m feeling good but quite sore muscularly. It’s all good. I’m back taking creatine and I’m also taking some amino acids and a whey protein shake. I’m wondering if the creatine is what caused the mini high mood the other day. Maybe it did but I’m not worried because it’s all settled down now. All is well.  

Working out again has done wonders for me already. I enjoy the endorphins but I enjoy the physical activity too. I’m wondering how big I can get if I really go for it again. I’ve considered that if I got big enough maybe I’d like to compete too. I always wonder that. Who knows. We shall see. Anyway feeling good is good.    

Yesterday morning could of gone pear shaped but luckily I was aware and it didn’t. I was rushing around but doing not much at all. It all came good later though.    

It’s funny to feel quite normal after a mini high because I’d expected that it may go on longer than it did.  I think it’s a case of ‘phew! That was lucky’. Life is so funny and so strange. I wonder what others make of it. 

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