Level again

I’m on a level again. A reasonably good level. I’m not stressed and I’m pretty relaxed, although I’m never fully relaxed unless I’m off work for a week. That’s quite interesting to note actually isn’t it? When not at work stress levels decrease. How many of us find work, and life in general I guess, stressful?  Why don’t we all learn to relax more at work? Maybe work levels would be better, maybe we could be more productive too! So I guess I now need to work on being much more happier at work, I really enjoy my work as it is, and not feel any stress. Time to take another step up at work then, but a more relaxed one. 

A friend posted a link on Facebook last night of a picture taken from the Hubble space telescope of hundreds of galaxies taken over a 14 hour period using infrared as well as normal light. Stunning. Mind boggling. It certainly put things into perspective for me. Maybe that’s something else I can do, I can keep a better perspective on life. Maybe there’s a good lesson there. I used to look at the heavens before going to sleep to put things in perspective and to feel grateful each day upon waking. I think it’s time to start again.

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