So far a good day

So far it’s a good day at work. Things are going really well and I’m happy and pretty present. I’m almost relaxed too! It can’t be bad if I’m feeling all of that. I’m sitting here wondering about reality and life and death whilst eating my lunch. I wonder what does happen when we die. I know I’ll find out when I die or maybe I won’t know anything about it. This isn’t unusual for me to think about these things. Only last night whilst in the shower I was thinking if animals have consciousness and I’ve drawn my own conclusion that they do. If they get hurt they feel it and show it by crying out or by their movement. Some animals mourn their dead too. So as far as I’m concerned they’re conscious beings too and I’m glad I’m vegetarian.  Why would we think otherwise? This has drawn me to questioning death and reincarnation. It’s said that if we reincarnate we may come back as an animal.  Maybe there’s far more to it than most would dare to believe. 

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