Anxiety creeps back in

I’ve woken up pretty anxious this morning. My head is telling me how it’s all a struggle and how I can’t see the end of it. I know it will pass, bit right now I’m struggling. Money worries have crept in again. I know I’m constantly owed money, so I don’t know why I fret about it, but I do when I’m like this. You’d think I would be able to relax because I know it will pass, but I can’t.  As I was logging in to write this I had some slight anger too. Anger at myself and my mind. I thought I’d caught myself before dropping off, but maybe not. I need to let it go. I was going to swear and say f**k it I’ve had enough etcetera, but I honestly believe that would just be feeding it, so I won’t. Maybe I should as that will release it and if I don’t it’ll build up. Maybe I’m over thinking it again. Maybe I’m trying to be the strong one again. 

I need to get a grip and relax. It will be ok. In a month, a week or a day it might not matter. It might not in an hour either. 

That’s life I guess. My life.

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