Friday cloudiness

It’s Friday already, I’m at work sitting in an empty cottage hoping the rain stops and that the sun comes out. It’s dark. My mood is ok but a little dark too. It’s very cloudy, like my mood. I’m sitting here thinking about life and about people.  I honestly think a huge amount of the people in the western world are fake. They fake happiness in their lives when they know deep down they’re unhappy. They pretend that they’re this or that in life, when really they’re building a false persona that they start to believe is actually them. They fear changes in their lives.  I’m not labelling everyone in this category but most really are that way. Isn’t it funny when we meet someone and are asked what we ‘do’ or what we are. We might reply ‘I’m a builder’ etc etc. I’m not a builder, I’m a human being who has children and a family that I love. I work as a builder to earn money, yes I enjoy it too but I’m not just a builder.   Sometimes I really do wonder about people.  I had an interesting thought process/conversation going on in my head last night because of people driving past my house when it was raining hard. My kids went outside and played in the flood outside our house, I even filmed and photographed them. Their were a few cars that went past, one guy smiled but mostly people looked as if they thought we were nuts. Why is it crazy or nuts to have fun, to laugh and enjoy the rain?  I think some people take everything far too seriously. My kids made a great memory last night. Anyway my internal conversations were with those people, telling them how life is beautiful and great, if figured they would think it foolish or bad for the image of the village etc. Maybe I was overly paranoid. Maybe not though, anyway I had those internal conversations regardless. That’s just me maybe. Life’s to cool and too short to be a grumpy arsehole, although I can be that grumpy arsehole at times too!

Anyway, I’m sat here reading a diary of a guy with bipolar 2 and I think he’s right, all of the best people are slightly crazy. Maybe crazy is actually sane and the so called ‘sane’ people are actually the really crazy ones for believing all of the fake delusions of life like war, hunger, banking,  mainstream fake news etc etc when in fact theres no need for any of it. The Internet and alternative news certainly has helped people to seethe falsehoods of the world. Both world wars were funded by the same banks,  America is supposedly a country trying to ‘give’ peace to the world when in fact they sell and produce the most nastiest weapons, Israel are at war with Palestine when in fact it’s genocide because the Palestinians literally don’t have the weapons that Israel does, in fact Palestine is hemmed in like a huge concentration camp.  So like I said life is short and the same people are probably I sane for believing all of the falsehoods that are perpetuated in the so called news.

Ok so on a lighter note, we should all be pro peace not anti war and we should all love each other as members of the small insignificant rock that we live on which orbits an insignificant star. 

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