Does enlightenment come from the search?

Does the search for enlightenment lead to possible mental health issues? Or living a truly spiritual life lead to it or through it as well?  When we wake from the world of falsehoods, materialism and monetary wealth we see things very differently and maybe it can lead to having mental health issues or certainly feelings of being different.  Maybe some who have been enlightened have faced their own inner demons, have gone through emotional and spiritual turmoil, and come through the other side slightly altered.  Once enlightened maybe one sees everything as it is from all sides and sees the higher meanings in everything. Maybe I’m projecting though. I know that I’ve always been on a spiritual path in this life and am seeking my own enlightenment. The more I’ve read or studied enlightenment and enlightened people the more I realise it’s about letting go. When I do let go I find that I have inner peace and calm. I just need to figure out how to let go fully because I do hold on to things, sometimes for too long. 

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