Future plans

Fynn and I are formulating more future plans. Each week we have a meeting to discuss where the business is heading for the future, any new investments either of us are looking at and how we have each scored the previous week. We discuss what work we have on the books and any work I am pricing up. I’ve changed how I price work and how much I price our joint day rate too. We are building better systems into everything we can and by having set formulas things move faster, work gets done quicker and also invoicing and pricing is done when due. We are also formulating prices we will sell investments at and where we will likely put any profits. For now we aren’t taking additional money from the business but are instead building funds up in it to expand it and are looking to increase work on the books and take others on. So far this year has been phenomenal. We really have exceeded our goals most months. My mindset has been on the ball mostly this year and having things written out helps massively. When goals look a little out of reach having things written down gives a good point of reference but also it’s a good motivator. Mindset really is everything. It’s the difference between success and failure. It drives the doing of things rater than the putting of things off. It makes one committed and a doer rather than someone who just talks about what they intend to do. You can’t build a reputation on what you say you’re going to do. As Henry Ford said “whether you believe you can or believe you can’t, you’ll be right”. I’d like to start helping others and I’d like to mentor others. I’ve learned a lot the past 2 years and it’s kept me very mentally stable. My change in diet and lifestyle have been huge factors too. Life really is good and this year I’ve met some amazing, driven people. People who are very inspiring and who also have changed their lives. When we change ourselves our lives change little by little but the changes compound into massive things.

Edit: One thing I’m considering doing is setting up a paid section of this blog where I’ll likely post more regularly and talk more about what I’m reading, and have read, that’s been of help to my mindset and my business. Part of the reason behind this is bot accounts commenting on posts. I get quite a few bots commenting on posts but I have settings set so that I have to manually approve or delete any comments. I’m also looking to build more of a community too. I’d likely set it at $5 a year initially to hopefully filter out the bots! I’d like to encourage others to get more involved too and take it forwards from there.

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