Bipolar recovery

I feel compelled to write again. It’s been a while and as usual when reasonably level I don’t seem to.  

Here I am again writing a blog post but it’s not because I’m unwell again, although I had a few wobbles for a week when missing medication.  I am level. I am in recovery. It can happen. It has happened and it is happening.  I’ve been level for a couple of months or so now and having psychotherapy is really helping.  I’m able to see further with life again and I’m really doing things, I’m always busy but I’m doing things towards my future. I’m not pressuring myself in fact I’m kind of ‘flowing’ with life and I’m not fighting anymore.  I know I will get unwell again and I’m not fighting that either. I accept it.  I accept that I will get unwell.  I accept that I will scare myself. That I will worry. That I will not know what really is truth or fiction and paranoia. Fighting hard has been a strength and a downfall.  I accept all of it now.  I accept that I have a condition that is amazing and scarily shit at times.  I accept that others cannot feel what I feel.  I’ll not fight so hard, if at all, but yet I’ll never give up or give in.  Recovery is real and possible. Acceptance is a huge key to it.      

So many things are happening for me.  I’m growing a lot more veg this year and market gardening seems to be a natural progression.  If it doesn’t happen then I’ll still keep growing more veg.  I’m starting off with sharing some with family and friends who we rent a field off. If I have excess then I will sell it from a stall outside our house and give some away to other friends too.  I’ve already built a small stand.  My building business is busy, as always, but my mind is in a far better place and I’m pricing work far more sensibly and realistically and am again charging more and not cutting myself down with horrible internal negative chatter.  

 Having come on here tonight I’m touched to see that I now have about 2215 subscribers to this blog. I’m amazed. I started it as a diary. I know some friends occasionally read it and I told a few others but I never thought I would get subscribers.  I figured if by writing what I go through can help maybe one or two others then it would be worth being as brutally honest as I can be.  If you are reading this and have related to what I write, sympathised or it has helped you then you have also helped me. Writing this has given me help. It’s given me hope and it’s also scared the shit out of me when reading back at times.  

Recovery is real, it might not last forever, but it’s real. Take whatever help is offered and ask for more.  Accept all of it and accept all of yourself.  Much love.  

7th April 2017 and level

I’m level.  I’ve been level for a short while now. A few weeks.  I could really get used to this.  I’ve had some quickening of thought lately but only brief.  I am finding therapy is really good and along with good circadian rhythms and reading some interesting books it’s all helping.  I’m finally facing the future and making plans for it.  I’m finally facing the financial mess that has come about and sorting it out fully bit by bit.  It’s all starting to look much better.  I’m off all mental health groups on Facebook and I restrict my use of it now too.  I can see triggers much more clearly now too so am avoiding most of them and am getting stronger.  I need to get even better at cutting out or taking myself away from any triggers as and when I need to.  It’s the way forwards.  I have much less contact with some good friends on Facebook at the minute but I’m needing to do this to find myself and get and keep myself well.  When well enough I can slowly get back in touch but only after I’m fully grounded again.  I’ve accepted that I will get unwell again and if and when it happens then it will happen.  Fighting it hasn’t always been a good move for me as I fight too hard and make myself even more unwell.  The better I feel the more I can see that I have, at times, been manipulated and abused.  With this growing strength I will learn to cut these people and things out much sooner and hopefully not even get involved with them.