What a very strange world and strange times we are living in. This will not be over in a matter of weeks. Here in the UK the Prime Minister has the virus, as do other men Evers of Parliament, but I think he will get very unwell from it. It’s strange because maybe Tuesday of last week I told a few I thought he had it. I’m sure I’m wrong but I get a strange feeling he may well die from it. A few things clicked the other day regarding it. Who knows. Anyway we are on partial lockdown and lots of people aren’t working. I am still working because I’m in the building trade. There’s so many who aren’t taking any precautions here in the UK and are flouting this partial lockdown. I think within a week we will go on full lockdown. We should of 3+ weeks ago really. There will be a lot of deaths. Infections will keep rising. Once things start to settle and restrictions are lifted a second wave will come. It’ll be far worse too. I can see this carrying on at least 18 months. Once this is over so much will of changed. Lots will never go back to how it was.