I’m going to let those of you who actually read this blog into a secret. This world isn’t real. It’s a simulation. Once you truly understand this and understand who you are and who I AM is you will know I’m telling you the truth. When you understand it you will be able to bend the rules of the simulation. I’m being cautious not to say to much because of where it leads. Look into Dr Jacobo Grinberg’s work. Many others have worked on this too. They all have something in common. Be careful with what you find and who you tell too. Understand it fully and use it to your advantage. Understand most will never come to these realisations and that you cannot force others to understand. In fact most others are drones or NPC’s. Be very careful but use it. I cannot say any more just yet. I’m deadly serious and very mentally well too. Look into manifesting and you’ll find answers. Neville Godard and Joseph Murphy. Research. Study. Understand. Then change your life.