Last day of September

It’s the last day of the month which means writing out our goals for next month and checking through last months goals. I know we’ve hit most of them but not all of them. We are a few weeks into a 12 week plan and need to reassess things. A few unforeseen issues cropped up but that’s not stopped us but it could mean the lower ends targets, rather than higher end, are where we should aim for or certainly somewhere in between. It’s unusual for me not to aim for the biggest targets but sometimes reassessing and tweaking things is better than burnout. We are building an empire which takes time rather than out for a quick buck.

on Friday I got a loft from a good friend to go pick my van up. It’s great having a van that’s still quite new and it’s doing a lot more miles per gallon which will be a cost saving! It looks more professional too. Since getting it we now have had more work come in and have a refurb on a bungalow to do which will be a lovely job. They’re lovely customers too. I also think it’s time to start pushing the business even more and to look to take someone else on. Talking of which I’m reading The E Myth Revisited. Initially I didn’t like it but decided I’m not giving up on it, I don’t do that easily, and having carried on reading it it’s actually a great book for small business’ that needs to expand. I’m also reading The Magic of Thinking Big again. I read it a couple of months ago but am rereading it as I like how dynamic it is. It pushes great energy off its pages and makes one more focused on success and thinking bigger.

I’ve realised I could do with a whole weekend off. We worked Saturday morning, we’d planned to do the hood day but Fynn was tired, rested Saturday afternoon and then were out of the house shortly after 7am for a casting tournament. We got in around 5:50pm. This is where knowing that we can do more than we often think we can comes into play. Mindset. It really is everything. Fynn will only do a couple of hours at another place he works today so can rest. I’ll forge ahead and push a job on then tomorrow we can go elsewhere. It was great seeing everyone at the tournament.

Here’s the new van

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