How life changes!!

Wow it’s dawned on me how mindset is everything yet again. After my van went kaput on Monday I got straight onto sorting things out and less than 24 hours later I’d bought a much newer van, this one is 5 years old. I’m picking it up tomorrow or Saturday. It’s weird because as soon as I saw the advert I knew it was already mine. I never doubted it. My mindset has shocked me because when things are going great it’s easy to feel good and cope with stuff but it’s really only when something comes at you out of the blue and could potentially cause issues that we realise how much a good mindset takes over and sorts things out. As I mentioned previously something like this would’ve sent me into depression in the past with some really deep dark thoughts but not now. I’m almost shocked at where my life has gone to in the last year and certainly the last 2 years. Almost a year ago I wrote myself a letter from the future telling myself how great things were and detailing a few things out. It’s all happened, or happening, now too!

Fynn and I have done some amazing things this year and visited some amazing historic stately homes. we are sticking to our plans and adding more as we go along. Living a reasonably strict life really does pay off. Keeping to a routine that works keeps things working and it’s compounding day by day. It’s the compound effect in full force! And what a force it is too! I still have to question my thinking at times and adjust but the mindset I now have is becoming my default setting more and more. That default is set to success too!

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