Mindset is everything.

Today has had quite a big WOW moment. I was driving home and about 300-400 yards from home the engine in my van got really noisy. I think it’s got serious issues and has had it. What really shocked me was my mindset about it. Initially I wondered if it was low on oil so topped it up but that’s not it. So I went online looking for a new van and then it hit me….2 years ago something like this would’ve been catastrophic for me. I would have literally been having some seriously dark thoughts…suicidal even, worrying about how I could sort it out and how I’d pay for it. Not today though. Nope. I just started looking for another van and weighed up whether to lease a brand new one or to buy one. I think I’ve found one which I might buy. It’s 5 years old now but it’s the newer version of what I have at the moment. It’s seriously shocking what mindset can do isn’t it. Having worked on myself and my mindset the last 2 years, as well as the business, stressful issues are dealt with differently now. I’ve done several online courses as well as reading lots of self help/business books and it’s paying off massively. Also my new work system and ethics mean there’s money there to buy the van too, which takes so much stress out of things. It’s said that money can’t buy happiness but being broke or in debt can’t either. I’m even more determined now to be even more successful and push things further. I was looking to get a new van later this year or early next year but it’s moved forwards. It’s accelerated just like life is accelerating. It’s all good.

On a side note I have now started reading The E Myth Revisited as well as reading The 12 Week Year and The Great Within. I finished The Millionaire Fastlane this morning and highly recommend it. Oh I’m also working through The Master Key and High Performance Habits too. I’m still getting up at 4:45am too.

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