Life and history

It’s been a strange week in some ways but great in others. I’ve had a few dreams that have raked up some of my past. Upon waking I felt some anger and also tiredness. What’s been surprising is how quickly I now let things go. The past really is the past. Moving on isn’t always easy, yet at the same time it really is easy. It’s all in the mind. We are all mind. In fact we all are The ALL or the I AM.

I’ve spent a lot of time over the last 2 years seeking to know myself better and to move forwards within myself. It’s taken a lot of understanding and time but I’m where I am and I’ve read a lot and understand a lot. It’s helped enormously in turning my life, and my business, around. My business is doing amazingly well. It’s funny how changing a few small things changes into much bigger things. It’s the compound effect. Seeing it in action is amazing. So many books have added to what I’ve learned and now understand. Much contemplation has led to greater understanding and growth. There’s so much more I could write but maybe shouldn’t yet. Suffice to say we really do change our lives simply by thinking those changes into reality. The universe really is mental as is the I AM. Realising that this is all an illusion, a game, the matrix, the 3D reality or whatever you want to call it really does open so much up to us/we/I.

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