Divorce and moving forwards

Early hours of Friday morning I got an email from the court saying I could apply for the final order of the divorce. I saw it when I woke up and signed in to sign what needed signing. It said on the screen that there wasn’t an issue and I should hear that the marriage had ended within a few days. Hours later I received another email telling me I was now divorced! It’s quite strange to think I’m now unmarried so to speak. It was a weird feeling but also another step along the road of my life. There’s still the financial order to organise, but that should be reasonably straight forwards, and the house to sell. When that’s all done and dusted we can both move forwards in life. Fynn and I have some amazing plans and goals to achieve, lots already underway. He really has become an amazing young man with a really strong work ethic, he’s reading lots, he’s investing lots and he’s growing lots as a person too since the start of the year. So much has happened and so much is going on. Life really is amazing and a gift which I’m massively grateful for. I really do wish Kara the best in life from here onwards. She is still living with her elderly mum along with Rhiannon. Who knows what her future holds but her life, and her finances, are fully in her hands now.

Life really is a beautiful thing isn’t it. Onwards and upwards.