Saturday calmness

I’m feeling pretty calm this morning, although a little tired. I’m keeping better circadian rythms and am going to sleep at pretty much the same time every night. Last night I went to sleep about 10 minutes later and woke up 10 minutes later. It’s as if my body knows exactly how much sleep to have. My meals are almost clock work too so that they don’t throw out my circadian rhythm either. It feels pretty boring to do it but its worth it not to throw my body and mind out and create a problem. I wonder how I would be affected if I drank a few glass’s of wine. I’ve not had any alcohol since early June last year, not that I was a big drinker then anyway. I’ve been vegetarian since around June 21st last year too.

I think that my kids haven’t had major meltdowns since I’ve been working on my mood swings either. Hopefully it’s helping all of us in our house, my wife included. I know that she’s struggling to understand it. Hopefully once I’ve more control it will all feel much more natural. I’m certain that the better I can keep to my rhythm the better control I will have. 

I guess I’m an ongoing work in progress. Well hopefully I’m making progress. Later today I’m going to work on some long term goals. I’m going to list them down and then break them down into medium and short term goals so I can chart my progress.  I’ve always liked having goals and aims and routine. My wife likes to live free of being rigid like that and over the years I’ve tried living that way, but now realise there’s always been a reason I’ve liked that routine. I’ve always thought it was because I liked the aims in life, but I now realise it helps stabilise my moods too. Maybe my wife will help me list some joint family goals too and help me to figure out the medium and short term ones that will get us there. We eventually want to build an Eco house, so maybe nows the time to start setting the goals that will lead there.

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