Tired but happy

I’m tired but happy this morning, not excited happy or high happy, just reasonably happy, kind of ‘level’.  Yesterday I took my children to a motorbike racetrack to watch free practice. It was a 2 1/2 hour drive each way and I was concerned they might get bored and knowing I might get tired too. It was however really nice to take them, they enjoyed it quite a bit and I was ready to leave when they had had enough too, so it worked really well. It’s taught me that I can keep my cool even if I’m tired and that I’m pretty aware of any mood drop off triggers. I’ve read that if one can switch from a bad mood and realise they can switch that’s a big thing, I read it in a Tibetan Buddhist book. 

Life is pretty good right now and I’m pretty certain that working out has helped lots and I’ve only been working out properly for a week. I guess my goals in life are to do what makes me happy and live life fully but not to put things off too long.

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