Rainy Sunday

It’s a rainy, wet Sunday here today. I’m pretty relaxed though, which is good. I had a moment earlier though where I felt myself tensing up. We have family here and we were all talking about things and I started feeling pretty tense. My shoulders and neck were very tense and I felt myself absorbing into a cluttered mind state. It took a little bit of time to be able to unwind and become more present. At least I’m becoming much more aware of when I’m not present and can bring myself back around. I’ve noticed if I’m meditating and I close my eyes and my mind wanders my higher self steps in and tells me to open my eyes or brings me around again. I usually meditate with my eyes open using a Tibetan technique. I live the state of no mind. 

I think today I’ll need to be aware of myself much more so that I don’t slip into lower consciousness. I’ll have to keep a check on myself as I’m tired and don’t want to be rude or irritable.  It’s easy to slip, especially when tired. Anyway I guess practice makes perfect. 

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