
Why is it that people talk so much about the past?  Things they’ve done or things they remember.  Does it give them a sense of identity?  Are we all made from past memories? When will we move forwards and escape from this ? If we are formed from the past like this then surely at some point there is reason to break free and move onwards or forwards ? Why keep going on about these things? Strange. 

I think it’s time to have some mental space. People wear me down. I feel like I have to constantly perform , to be what they think I am, what they project onto me. I’m not that person. I’m me. It’s a shame they don’t want to know who I am really.  It’s all so false.  A falsehood of reality. I guess most people don’t realise that they’re acting at being themselves , portraying a toke that’s not real, pretending to be the version of themselves that others who act too project onto them. I’m tired of it all. Tired of all the falseness. 

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