Feeling warm-hot

The last few evenings I’ve had headaches. I thought this was, in part, due to a certain mantra that I use in my rituals. It might be that I’m starting to get a virus, possibly. My son had one over the weekend and had a temperature with it. My dreams have also been slightly violent or slightly confrontational. I’ve wondered if that can be a signifier. Last night in ritual I felt very warm to say the least.  

Yesterday I had some paranoid thoughts creep in and my mind went up a gear or two. I’m pretty sure I know the trigger of it. It’s mostly to do with where I’m working. Possibly due to my body feeling warmer too. My body can feel warmer or hotter when my moods are changing too. My ears are ringing much more than normal too. It could be either or both. I guess I will find out soon enough. I’ve certainly been much more tired lately too. It’s funny how small things creep in and also make a bigger picture. My libido is pretty non existent lately too. That’s unusyal for me but I am feeling pretty balanced lately. 

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