All is well

It’s the start of another day. Life is good. I’ve meditated after having done my morning ritual. I have a busy day ahead. I had feared that my mood was changing the last couple of days so I took it a little easy. I’ve gone to sleep a little later than usual and woken earlier too. The last two nights my children have called me too and broke my sleep. They’ve not been feeling well. They’ve both had tonsillitis.    

It’s 7 am. What does that really mean? Are we a race of beings who constantly needs to measure things? We certainly seem to be. Seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades, millennia and so on. Science looks to have measurements too. It wants to measure the universe. What does it really mean when it’s 7 am? Have we lost touch with the natural world? We work unnatural hours quite often because a clock or the time dictates it and through this we have placed a value, a monetary value, on time. Time cannot be bought back with all of the money in the world. Once time has passed its gone forever only to become a memory.

What’s a memory really? Two people remember the same events differently too. Is it simply a chemical exchange within the physical brain? Are memories really stored in the brain? What about the conc

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