A trip up the city.

We’ve been out today up to Norwich. I needed trainers. I bought some normal type ones and some superman trainer boots. They’re so fantastic. I love them. I might look silly in them or even look an idiot but I really don’t care. I’m superb.  I’m feeling superb too.

  I’ve been up and down so much this last week it’s shocking. I’m hoping it either levels off or I go up again asap. Either way I’ll be ok. I always am. I guess I don’t have much choice in it so it’s better to accept it than to fight it. Although I do fight it at times. I try hard to just flow like water, as Bruce Lee said ‘be like water my friend’.  Life is life and I will deal with what it throws up when it throws it at me. I’m ready to move forwards in life yet again. The last 3 or so years since I went through a breakdown I’ve been stagnant and have been living a life of fear and escapism. From now on I will move forwards even more. No holding back with my dreams and our dreams. Life is precious and short and I will make the best of it

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