In out up down on off

Topsy tervy twisted tangible tasty tastelessness teaming together tomorrow.  Beaming brightly beyond brazen burgouis blazing blackness borrowed broadcasting below. Rightfully righteous rigalled round rotund red rising rouge. Grey glasses grimly glint gleefully ghosts greatly grounded graciously. Deathly deadness descends doubtfully deeper. Madness malarkey moves menacingly meaningfully more manoeuvred madly.

Into the realms of madness and mayhem internally chattering with nonstop internal dialogue. The deluge comes and goes closer then further. Can one be ‘loosing it’ if one is aware of it happening? Can madness be true madness if one is aware of the signs and significances creeping in and out of ones mind? Madness. What is madness? Insanity. What is insanity? Is madness insanity? Is insanity madness? Are they the same or are they distinguishable from each other? I’m sure philosophy would have an answer. As would psychiatry. Maybe they would find different differences differently. Maybe they would be entranced by the entrance. Patterns within patterns all coming together yet still one is articulate. Can one be articulate about madness and insanity? Hmmmmm. Things to ponder upon along with the great scheme of things. If madness and insanity are related where does crazy come into it. Is crazy a foolish act carried out knowing full well that one is doing it? If so how can someone do something while crazed? Hmmmmmm. Is there something as solid as reality? Is reality solid ?

Noise. Too much noise. No peace. No rest. No relaxation. No time away from others or from oneself. No escaping the inescapable.  No spescaping self. 

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