
I have just had a very calming qigong session. I stood in meditation outside in a cool breeze and realised how far I’ve actually come in the last year, let alone the last 2 years. In the last year I have stopped drinking coffee, stopped drinking any alcohol ( I didn’t drink often) , I’ve gone vegetarian and almost vegan and I’ve made some very positive steps towards dealing with my Cyclothymia. There’s a long way to go bit generally I’m in a better place. I’ve also started exercising regularly too which is a huge help as I can release tension and stress.

Bruce Lee said ‘ Don’t ask for an easy life, ask for the strength to endure a difficult one’. I think he was right. My life isn’t so easy, but it’s not as hard as lots of other people’s either, so I need to remember that and be grateful for the loving family I do have and how good things are in my life.  Life really is ok. It’s as easy or hard as we make it barring others interfering in it.  

I’m going to have a good day today.

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