Working on a Saturday

8 1/2 hours work on a Saturday is far too much. Why do I do it?  I guess it’s because I’m way behind at work and I’m trying to keep customers happy. It’s seriously tiring me out though! I’m shattered. I have it in mind to get a day or so off next week if it’s too wet to do anything though. I doubt that will happen though. If it rains there will be something to do I’m sure!

Today I’ve felt like giving up mostly. Although I never do. I keep going. I don’t think I know another way other than to blindly keep going. Well that’s unless I die or kill myself. Then it would end. It would stop. I don’t think I’ll do that though. If I did I wouldn’t write about it either. Well I guess I wouldn’t be able to! 

I’m hoping to meet a few guys who might be able to offer some good financial advice to me. I’m tired of constantly chasing money and getting nowhere. Well I used to be getting somewhere a few years back. I’m going to get back to that level again. I’ve already started. 

Do I punish myself? I think I do. I do it far too much. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to be comfortable in life.  I want to build my retreat so I need some capital. 

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