Advancing humanity

I’ve been thinking about the best ways advance humanity and maybe the best way is to advance the self first. Is humanity ready for advancement? I don’t mean technological breakthrough either, I mean humankind and it’s own advancement. How can I make the difference? Not only my own difference but to humanity too?  I think that as we all evolve ourselves we help to make small differences. Meditation is the key. Pure meditation in its truest form, not little mind tricks and trips, they just distract from the real pure meditation of no mind. It’s easy to do so called guided trips or meditations but all they truly are is ego feeding. Feeding the ego and tricking it into believing it’s doing a higher good. Don’t get caught in that trap. It’s a nice little ride but it won’t advance you further along the road of Adepthood or enlightenment. So learn pure meditation and help advance humanity into the next level of consciousness. Be your best, truest self. Learn real pure focus not mind tricking techniques. Let’s advance mankind together. 

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