Calm. The storm has passed?

I’m back feeling normal again. I was a little later going to bed last night. I’m a bit tired today but I still got up at my usual time. My ears are ringing too. Although I had a few hours of tricky mood swings yesterday I think I’m back in control. I’ve done 5 days of celibacy now and it’s getting easier but harder too. I’m starting to feel a little more in control of my life. I have to admit I fully lost control yesterday though. It really affected my home too. My son had a real mood swing too. This also may of been in part to my wife drinking though. I have noticed his mood change when she’s been drinking and my mood has been stable. It sounds like I’m painting a bad picture. I’m not. My wife doesn’t drink often. She has the occasional bottle of wine. I think she likes the relaxed feeling of being drunk. Anyway my son had a grumpy time lady night and decided it was his sisters fault. Normal family life I guess!  

I’ve been out and carried out my ritual and invocations in my works this morning to invoke my Holy Guardian a Angel. It’s very interesting how my works are progressing now having cut out certain individuals from my life once again. Even my moods have been much more settled. I honestly think that the more one studies esoteric’s and spirituality the more one is susceptible to others moods and their positive or negative influence. I’ve recently spoken with a man in Cornwall who is living very much like a hermit, although he does have minimal interactions with other humans and he’s confirmed this for me. He also had to cut out one of the people I’ve had to. A mutual acquaintance if you like.

  Anyway he’s found he’s getting along better without the negative influences of this other person. The other person is in need of some serious mental help but refuses to get it. He shows big signs of psychopathic behaviour and also some personality disorders. He tries to manipulate others quite often and gets very aggressive when it doesn’t work. It’s one of those situations where I’ve tried to help but have had to back away for my own reasons and my own sanity.  

  I have a small job to help someone with this morning and then I’m through with work until Monday. 

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