Sunday almost over

I have realised that I’d not written yet today. It’s 7:24pm. My stomach is slightly upset this evening. My mood however is reasonably stable. I’m tired. Earlier I had a headache and my ears continue to ring.  I had written recently that my mood felt pretty normal for about 3 weeks. I’m not fully sure if it was or wasn’t. When a high crept in I barely saw triggers which normally I do see. In hindsight I’ve seen them but not at the time. I’ve also learnt that for me if I’m high or low coffee is a good leveller. Coffee with no sugar that is. Sugar avoidance is a big must at all times for me as it sets me off and also I tend to crave it when I’m very tired, so I have to be cautious. Normally I avoid most stimulants these days. If I’m craving sugar I’m starting to be more aware of possible mood changes due to tiredness and sometimes that tiredness leads to me being awake longer if that makes sense.  

My rituals are still ongoing and will be for the foreseeable future too. I’m pretty sure they’ve helped level me. They’re certainly helping to give me some focus again. I’m researching several things too all related to my ongoing works and the HGA. 

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