2021 will soon be here. Another year gone by. Another year older. Another year closer to old age and death I guess. I don’t see it being better than 2020. In fact I see things getting worse. Our Government are fudging facts and figures of the virus to suit their political agendas. In fact it’s a much bigger agenda going on. A reset. Our government are ignoring independent experts and sticking to those they trust will give them the ‘facts and figures’ they require while also ignoring things the WHO have said. I’d guess they’re also sending the billions they’re continuing to spend to friends of theirs via companies they own. All very dodgy. Fuckers. Nefarious plans are afoot no doubt.
I had a brief foray back on faceache last night for a few hours but it’s all much of a muchness and I’m left feeling like a alien abductee seeing as I now have hours of missing time from my life again. Oh well at least I’m off it again. Next year should be a busy year regarding work so I’ll knuckle down and crack on with that. One of my customers has said they’ve about 6 months worth of work for me to do and I’ve already got plenty of work on.