
Isn’t life a strange and wonderful thing. Autumn is setting in and the days are changing and getting shorter. I’m finding I’m a little more tired than usual, it happens this time of year, but I also know that it quickly flips into having really good energy again too. My business is really thriving and I’m putting new systems in place to help it continue. In fact those systems are helping us do more and do it faster too. Each month, week and day is planned out beforehand and a framework is built. We are currently using The 12 Week Year but I’ve realised I’ve kind of been doing it for the last year or so anyway but not as fully as their system says to. Life is so much easier this way and we will continue pushing forwards. I’ve decided to invest more into the business rather than outside of the business for now. It’ll help the business grow even more and help Fynn more too. It’s all good. It’s good to see some who I’ve been mentoring do well too and push themselves forwards in life. They’re doing amazing things and one of them is now pushing forwards with something which was a 10 year goal. She could realise that goal next year too. It’s all good. It is what it is.

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