Another good day

Yesterday was great day and today is starting well too. I’ve started to get hay fever which can get quite bad but so far I’m doing ok. I’m hoping the weather holds up for today so we can get a job finished. 

I’m going to sleep at about 9:30 each night again now and it’s really helping how I feel. I guess I now know what my sleep patterns need to be. I’m awake at 5am each morning but doze until 5:30am then get up. Then my daily routine or circadian rhythm is followed pretty strictly, but not super strictly. I’m enjoying feeling good and feeling balanced. I’m conscious that I need to work pretty hard again for the next year or more just to get clear of some debts that need clearing. I’ll get there but don’t want to tire myself too much as that can lead to a drop off. And I don’t want that! 

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