Monday 10th November 2014

I woke up a little early this morning with a little anxiety. Not much but a little. Yesterday had some confusing moments for me. I woke in the night robust the toilet too. In fact I needed to use the toilet a little more than usual yesterday.  My son has had a virus and a bit of a temperature, I hope it’s not that, but if it is then so be it.  

When I woke in the night to use the toilet I woke from a violentish dream. I was in a city, Peterborough I think, and was trying to escape from a couple of guys. I’d been working with them but somehow it ended up violent. Anyway they managed to kind of corner me around some houses with a couple of friends. Somehow I foubd or had a crow bar. I fought my way out. I hit them around the head and body with it. Just before waking I remember that I’d got them to a hospital area where there were police too. I’d fractured their heads and broken some bones in their bodies. Strange dream, but not so unusual for me this time of year. Oh well. I wonder if dreams like this are also a precursor to illness? Often this time of year I can be overworked and get a virus. It would fit with my subconscious dream state fighting off things. I had a much shorter dream about the lad who used to work for me just before getting up too.    

Today I have a choice of things I can do. I think I’ll go fix a couple of holes in a roof and then fix some brick work. I’m really enjoying my work again. 

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