The flow of energy

I’ve been given some thoughts as to how the flow of our energy inside our bodies can affect our whole being. I know lots of people don’t believe in things like the meridians in our bodies that Chinese, and other systems like Ayurveda, work with. I personally do. I’ve felt them inside my own body. Well anyway it brings me to what I’ve been thinking about. If these energies are imbalanced or out of kilter it can create all kinds of things within our body from feelings like butterflies in the stomache to physical illness too, well I’m wondering about mental health too and possible things that could be seen to be an illness. I’m not saying to go against medical advice but I am questioning how modern medicine is divorced from seeing the whole body and mind as connected fully. They treat the effect but not the first cause. A body or mind out of balance can affect different parts physically and if the cause isn’t looked at then more illness can arise. It’s my view that the subtle energies in the body need to flow freely or they can cause issues. Lots of Chinese hospitals prescribe Chi Kung for what we would think very serious conditions.  They have very good success rates too. Plus Chi Kung settles the mind as well as balances the energies.  

  Anyway thats just some of the things I’ve been thinking about. I’ve thought it for years and worked with the energies for years too. 

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