Feeling level, feeling good

I’m feeling level. I’m feeling pretty good too. Nothing seems impossible right now and it’s not the normal hyper manic feeling of nothing being impossible either. It’s a real dealing of being able to get things done, to accomplish things. Yesterday I built a shoe rack from scratch. It felt so good to do something for our home. It’s also tidied an area up. I’ve decided that if I do one or two fast each week then I’ll build the bigger picture right up. Small bites of a big cake I guess. Or the saying that every journey starts with a single footstep. Life is a journey and can only be walked one step at a time, I know that sometimes we walk in circles for a while buy even walking in circles keeps us moving forwards.

 I’m now starting to feel some soreness from working out. I like feeling how I’ve worked my muscles. Feeling that I’m progressing along. I don’t have huge aims or goals. I just want to get a bit bigger again and trim a little body fat off. I’ll take it from there. A little stronger too I guess.  More foot steps.  More moving forwards and more understanding of myself and my mind. Onwards and upwards. 

Feeling good feels good. Lets breed that stuff. My new goals are to be more present, be calm and be kind. 

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