Tuesday is Monday

Today is the first day of the working week for me. In the UK it was a bank holiday last Friday and yesterday. I’m feeling pretty calm and ready for work, no anxiety today. I know where we will be working and have known for a week or so, which always helps. I often wonder if a job in a fixed place would suit me better, but then remember how I dislike being in one place too long. I don’t think I Could work for someone else either, not unless they had similar goals in life or business as I do.

Life is such a funny thing really. It’s funny how we get stressed over so many things which minutes, hours, days or weeks later aren’t important at all, let alone years later. Maybe I’m an idealist, but I do honestly believe we can all live far better than we do now. We need to strive to better ourselves and mankind. Money rules too many things, well not money but profit. I wonder what advances would occur if we really put ourselves to task?

Mood and mind wise I’ve been pretty level for a few weeks now with only minor drop offs. I’m hoping that is because I’ve put work in by keeping a diary of my moods and my eating and sleeping, I try to keep to a very regular bedtime and I wake up at a very similar time each day too. I’m keeping a good eye on my tension within my body too. My jaw and fists clench and my neck gets tight when I’m feeling some stress or anger.  I guess it’s all about keeping good circadian rhythms.

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