
I’m trying to control my thoughts again. I try most of the time but sometimes it’s more of a concerted effort. I’ve been reading about bodybuilding lots lately but mostly books by Mike Mentzer and a few articles about him. He was an objectivist and was a big enthusiast if Ayn Rand. He wanted others to think logically and for themselves. I couldn’t agree more. In a book I finished yesterday he talks about psychology and how one can change thought patterns. He recommends a few techniques and books too. I will be buying ‘ The psychology of self-esteem’ by Nathaniel Branden. I know my mind works differently to others, very differently at times, but it doesn’t mean I can’t get the best out of myself.

I have trained myself to notice a change in thought patterns. It doesn’t always work but I’m certain that the more I practice it the better it becomes. I know others tell me that these things aren’t always possible or that it doesn’t work at all, but if you focus on the negative then the brain looks to that as a way of thinking.  I’m trying to focus on the good things in life now, I need to cut out all of the negative. It may cause problems in some respects but things have to be overcome. I’m tired of defeatist attitudes. Life has broken me down ready to be rebuilt as the better me. If only others could see it for themselves.  I know I will fall again and I know I will drop off fast and hard. Thats life. It’s the challenges that make or break us. It’s  up to us to make the difference. I’ve compromised lots in my life and I’ve made bad decisions too, but I am loving the realisation of it all. I honestly feel I’m becoming the best ‘me’ that I can be. Time to listen to myself more, to my deeper inner voice. It’s time to climb the ladder out of the holes I’ve dug. I can do anything I really want with my life, because it is my life, my sovereign right to become my own sovereign person. 

Im not talking about false ‘positive thinking’ . I’m talking about action over inaction. No more procrastinating. 

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