
I’m feeling pretty ok today, but I’ve realised that my dreams and aspirations seem to be getting left behind. It would seem all I do is look to survive. Maybe life beats us all down. I wonder why we allow it. Why we don’t all get along much better. We all get to a stage where we are out for ourselves and our family only, others matter less. I had a conversation with a customer yesterday who has a phd and has realised that his ‘job’ just didn’t satisfy him. He wasn’t interested in a big career in the end either. Life is more about living than surviving for him. Maybe I need to get some of that back. Get some joy back in my life, rather than just survive.

I used to have lofty dreams. Big aspirations. I’ve put them to one side because I’ve felt that they were in part caused by my mind and that I’ve had to be more ‘realistic’ but maybe I was right to have big goals. I honestly believe that any one of us can achieve what we want if we really want it. Enough of self sabotage. I’m meant for more than base level survival. Maybe it’s time to throw the shackles off and push forwards again.

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