Good morning Monday

Monday morning is here again bright and clear. I’m starting to feel a little better but will leave working out for now.  My thoughts are starting to get clearer again too. It’s good to have these moments of absolute clarity. My goal for today is to write my diary. I’ve not done that for a week now, so I’d better get started again. I’ve also not noted down about my alchemical works starting again in my lab notes. Tut tut. 

I always seem to have things on my mind , things that take some working out. At times I feel really old, at others I feel like a child or I have childlike wonder in the world. I know I’m selfish at times but maybe I’m not and I just beat myself up mentally too much.  I need to unwind fully and start to flow again. Talking of which I’ve already practiced qigong this morning. I’ve been into the lab too and checked on some things. Everything is as it should be.  

My daughter has whooping cough at the minute but is over the worst but her older brother is now getting a good cough on him. Kids puck so much up. 

I’m starting to take notice of my thoughts more and my visual awareness it has been reawakened by some very special art too. It resonates with me and my thoughts and views on life and the esoteric backing of life.  In becoming aware of ‘things’ more again and I’m getting visits in my dreams and my waking life too, which is great. 

I had better get moving with my day ahead. It’s going to be a week of long days. 

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