Where am I ?

I’m not sure where I’m at lately. I feel like I’m here but not here kind of like I’m in another world or a being from another world. Today I’ve had good energy but I can only vaguely remember some details. Is it from lack of good sleep because of my dreams or is it just me? I’m not sure. Maybe I’m high in a different way to normal? Hmmm. Not sure what  it is. I’ll just keep on keeping on! 

Life is strange. My life is anyway. Just as I feel like I’m on too of things or getting on too I seem to be behind again. How does that happen?  I’m always catching up and chasing myself but to what ends? I honestly don’t know. Maybe I’ve finally lost the plot fully? Maybe there was no plot. I can hear the high pitch going up and down in my ears again tonight. I need to sleep soon. 

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