Anxiety creeps in a little

I had a sleep yesterday afternoon partly because I had a huge energy tail off and partly because I was warty that I might not sleep last night. I was late going to be and was pretty wired. I lay still for ages before rolling on my side and letting go and going to sleep. I’m now unsure as to why I was awake late. Was it the afternoon sleep that threw me or was it that my mood was high yesterday and had been since Friday? I’m not sure. Maybe a little of both.

  Anyway I woke up really early this morning and dozed a few times before looking at the time. It was just before 6 so I lay still for a shirt while before getting up. Each time I woke up I was anxious. Luckily I seem to of put a lid back on the anxiety box for now. I really don’t want anxiety back. I can live with high moods, low moods and I can just about stomach mixed moods but anxiety just eats away at me too much. Far too much.

   At least for now I’m ok. My thoughts are faster than the last few weeks but I can live with that. I’d say I’m pretty much used to it to be honest. I’d kind of missed it. Although having said that I could happily just live the rest of my life with normal moods from now on, very happily in fact. 

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