Half day and panic over.

I’m not starting work until later today. It might only be a half day. It may well be less. Who knows. When I do get to work I’ve got lots of tidying up to do as the customer comes down tomorrow night. Luckily it’s tomorrow night. Last night they had thought they were coming down today. That really made me panic. Even aftertaste changed their mind I panicked when I had gone to bed. I lay there trying to remember the email. Trying to remember if they had said Thursday or Thursday night. Anyway panic over. I’m calmer now.  

Sometimes I sit back and realise how lucky I really am. I’m lucky to have work, Licky to have good health, I’m lucky I’m feeling awesome, I’ve a good family too. I’m very lucky, although I’m not sure I fully believe in good or bad luck per se. We can each have a big hand in how we shape our lives and what we decide to do with it. Thinking we only have bad luck is just a mindset and can be changed with training. It’s like switching a light if we really want it to be. The chemicals in our brains react to stimuli in lots of funny ways. Music and drum beats affect us more than we realise. I’ve been playing around with this at work. When I need to really crack on I play upbeat dance music or heavy metal because it reacts to and with me.  

Today I’m feelibg very good and pretty awesome. I’m superb. 

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