It’s still Saturday and I thought I’d write yet more drivel and bollocks/bull shit. I’m getting angry today. Everything is pissing me off. My Facebook needs a shake up and I’ve started putting a few things in their place. I mean seriously Facebook can be such a wanky place to be. I know they monitor what’s been looked at and then shove moe of that at you. It’s also a fact that they did a social engineering experiment by filling some peoples news feeds with hate and anger sometimes or posts that could invoke it or lots of nice lighthearted stuff at other times to see how it affected people. The thing is most people don’t want to believe that this stuff actually goes on, BUT IT DOES. It’s true. It’s a fact. The world is controlled by corporations not governments. Governments are told what to do by corporations. In America it’s called lobbying. That’s a polite way of saying that company’s will withdraw support for party’s or people if they don’t do as they’re told. Pretty much every country is the same and the people suck it up. They think that voting really makes a difference. Does it fuck. It’s like being told you’re going to be put to death but you get to choose which method you’ll die by. And then you think that you’ve been all grown up and special and you’ve made your own choices. It’s not how it really is.
Maybe I should become a revolutionary. I’ve started in my own way with trying to get off grid and starting to grow our own food. Little steps make for a great journey. Permaculture is the only way forwards for this planet. We really are at the tipping point. Yet we all keep buying junk cheaply. Throwing rubbish into the earth and not giving a shit about things. We really do need to start doing all that we can and start right NOW! There is no time to loose and not much time left. There’s no planet B either.