As the title says, life is good. I have lots I’m working on, and through, in life and myself and still have further to go but I’m getting there. Challenging my thoughts helps immensely. It’s amazing how much has come and gone from my life. I’m still practicing semen retention and stopped counting the days. I’m also on week 5 of a certain online/zoom meetings course which is about understanding self and also the works and our place in it. I’ll mention more after I’ve finished it. It’s certainly very interesting how our thoughts can tell us lies if we don’t question them, and quite often we not only don’t question them but we are unaware that they’re there telling us lies! The only thing we can really have any control over in life is ourselves and especially our thoughts and thinking. Life really is good once we understand all of this and put it to work. Once we understand who I AM is life becomes much easier. I’m amazed at how hard I’ve made my life at times without doing it on purpose. My life is good now, there obviously will be huge challenges ahead, and most of the difficulties that I place in it are done on purpose to teach myself self discipline. It’s great. Try it.