Violent dreams all night

I’ve slept in today as I’m really tired. It’s 7:27 and although I woke at 6:10 I went back to sleep until 7:10. I’ve had very violent dreams all night. I know people say that it’s impossible but I can dream almost within seconds or a minute of falling asleep. Last night this happened and I dreamt I was punching a bloke hard with both fists. In my dream I hit him so hard it woke me up and I was snuggled up to my wife so I asked her if she noticed anything. She told me I shook or jumped. This is what woke me and it happened just as I’d hit the guy real hard. I have suffered with sleep apnea in the past.

My second dream was about being outside a pub in the village where I grew up and I was arguing with my dad. I had him pinned up against a wall and probably by the throat. I then pushed a finger up under his lower jaw between his jaw and throat, kind of where the tongue sits. It caused lots of pain. He had tears. I let him go and he went into the pub. A guy in the pub started to beat him and kick him whilst he was on the ground so I went in and intervened. I warned the guy to stop. He told me nobody knew him and he was retired. He was a very dodgy character. I picked ups glass tankard and was going to smash it into his face but stopped.

My last dream that I remember was based at a local fuel station. I was there on my motor bike with my apprentice who was on a bike too. Next thing I know is that there’s a warning that there had been a murder only a few miles away, it was kind of a post society breakdown scenario. The next minute there was huge march going past on the main road and I joined it as I wanted to get home to make sure my family were safe and the march was going past bear where I live.

Strange dreams indeed!

I’m feeling tired still because of the dreams. I’m a little edgy and will need to keep my eyes open for triggers today as tiredness can blur my mind and my thinking and I can crash down really fast.



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