Life and it’s fuck ups

In my life I’ve fucked so many things up but I keep going and pushing ahead. The last 10 months or so have been the most trying of my life but whereas I’d normally be self depreciating in the past and say what a cunt I was and how it’s all poor me I’ve grown and moved past that. The last 10 months I’ve not only worked on pushing my business and life but I’ve been working on self too. Right now I have to take full responsibility for all of my past actions and fuck ups or else I will stay stagnated, or keep the same loop running, in my life. It’s not easy but it’s the only way I can keep growing and grow up. My plans for the future remain the same, ie get vastly wealthy, have a lot of money to retire and live off grid. Instead of those things being a distant dream I am working and planning to make them a reality. I’ve burnt so many bridges the last year and it really hurts. Instead of hiding away and refusing to take much blame I am putting my hands up and saying “yes it was me. I fucked it all up. I hurt too many people that are close to me. I took out my childishness on others because I didn’t know any other way”. It’s the only way I can grow as a person. It’s funny that I’m writing this out, I wasn’t going to because actions speak much more than words. In the past I would’ve just used words. I can’t be weak anymore. In fact I have to be strong. I’m going to put right as many wrongs as I can and that will not be an easy thing to do. I’ve hurt those who are closest to me and will take responsibility for that. I’ve also realised it all started with the death of my mum and I had never got over that. That grief is finally coming out. I always thought I had to be a man and just carry it but grief simply destroys things if shut away in the dark recess’ of one’s mind. I hardly blog these days because of the work I have been doing and am still doing both physically and mentally. I will also have to start forgiving myself.


It’s been a while since I’ve written anything. Life is pretty crazy at the minute and I’m working 7 days a week anywhere up to 13 hours a day. I’m investing any spare money and I’m building my future. It’s all good. I’m still pretty much in monk mode too. I’m using the compound effect. Short term pain for long term gains. I’m also on a keto diet which is quite close to fully carnivore. I actually weigh the least I’ve weighed for many years and am lean. I’m a little under 14 stone now whereas I’m usually 14 1/2 to 15 stone. It’s all good.

Life is life

What a crazy world is out there. My life has changed a lot yet is still the same in many ways. I’m now pushing to better myself and my life a lot. I’m working 6-7 days a week. I’m pushing ahead. I’m now eating a mostly carnivore diet and it’s transformed so many things. I’ve dropped 2”+ off my waist. I no longer have bloating or wind due to dropping carbs and sugars. It’s great. I have more energy again. I’m still meds free. I’m still working out and keeping a strict lifestyle/regime. I’m now taking cold showers early every day too instead of hot. It’s all good. My mental health has been pretty fucking good too! Life is good. What’s interesting is how people or things from the past have popped up but that’s good too. I guess life is a circle and people come and go then often come back again. It’s all good.

6 months!

Wow! I’ve now been meds free for 6 months and fuck me backwards hasn’t my life changed in so many ways. I’m far more productive at work, I’m working a lot more too. Life is good. I’m working on self improvement a lot too as well as manifesting. Talking of manifesting, I manifested myself a car. I’ve now got a Mk1 Audi TT 225bhp Quattro! Absolute little rocket and so much fun to drive. I love it. It’s black. It’s a good stepping stone towards an Audi R8 too! Life really is what we make of it and I’m making the absolute best of mine now. Onwards and upwards as they say. Life is so very precious and far too short to be a miserable bastard. It’s all good.

RIP Linda

One of my initiators into the esoteric has died. She will be sorely missed. A great lady who once saw off a robber who was armed with a crossbow all on her own by telling him to “fuck off and don’t come back in here. You’re barred” when he tried robbing their post office. I’m keeping an eye on her husband. He’s a good man too. RIP Linda.

Life is good

As the title says, life is good. I have lots I’m working on, and through, in life and myself and still have further to go but I’m getting there. Challenging my thoughts helps immensely. It’s amazing how much has come and gone from my life. I’m still practicing semen retention and stopped counting the days. I’m also on week 5 of a certain online/zoom meetings course which is about understanding self and also the works and our place in it. I’ll mention more after I’ve finished it. It’s certainly very interesting how our thoughts can tell us lies if we don’t question them, and quite often we not only don’t question them but we are unaware that they’re there telling us lies! The only thing we can really have any control over in life is ourselves and especially our thoughts and thinking. Life really is good once we understand all of this and put it to work. Once we understand who I AM is life becomes much easier. I’m amazed at how hard I’ve made my life at times without doing it on purpose. My life is good now, there obviously will be huge challenges ahead, and most of the difficulties that I place in it are done on purpose to teach myself self discipline. It’s great. Try it.

Day 21

So here I am. Day 21 of semen retention and so far it’s reasonably tough this morning. Yesterday was similar. My testosterone is probably peaking again, which seems to happen every 6-7 days, as I’m horny as fuck right now and can feel huge masculine energy simmering inside me. I’ll hz file it because I know what it is. Before SR it would’ve driven me pretty crazy feeling like this. I’m using that energy in a different way now though. It’s fuelling my workouts and my life. I’m funnelling it with ficus to improve my life and increase my workload and productivity. Living a semi monk type life isn’t easy but it’s starting to be rewarding. I’m getting some inner strength which I didn’t think I’d ever be able to access. The control over mind comes too. I’ve never lacked focus and drive when needed but this is so very different. I guess it’s the I AM energy within me. We all have this. Often we don’t know it though.

Angel Numbers

This weekend a lot of Angel Numbers have cropped up. I find it extremely intriguing too as I’m kind of going through a metamorphosis. I started a group course based on certain principles last week and I think this is all part of a much greater whole. Things have accelerated since starting the course, I won’t mention what it is yet, and it’s helping me to tie up many loose ends in my life. I know huge change is coming and started in October last year. It picked up speed then onwards and more so since I seriously started semen retention and being super strict with my lifestyle. Each passing day I gain more self mastery too and from last week onwards I’m gaining a greater understanding of my mind and my thinking. Not only my thinking but how to control it. I see it as hugely beneficial to my mental health. I’ve been meds free since October too and have never felt more in myself and much more aware. Once things have progressed more I’ll open up about it but quite honestly I think it can be life changing for many in the world. Back to the Angel Numbers…just wow. It all ties in. They really do mark out important times in our lives. For once I’m kind of letting life flow yet still being in control. I guess I’m going with life rather than forcing. So much has happened the last 4 months it’ll take a while to fully sink in. There’ll be a lot of transitioning to come too. There’s a certain person in life I eventually hope to make peace with too but that will happen if it happens. I fucked them off and just hope it will heal. No more forcing. Just allowing it to happen. Lots to think about but not think about thinking.

Lessons learnt from SR

I’m still on my path of semen retention. I never thought I’d be doing this or that I could have the energies which come from it. Napoleon Hill wrote about using the sexual energy to gain focus and insights in his book Think And Grow Rich. Chapter 11 is about that energy and using it. I’m still using a breathing technique in the evening to shift the energy upwards. This really ought to be studied more in depth. It encompasses our subconscious and our creative imagination. I’m still also doing body weight workouts about 5:30am pretty much every morning but this week I’ve started lifting weights again too. I’m keeping my diet pretty strict and on the odd occasion that I have something with sugar in now I notice it gives me a lot of wind and bloating. I’d say my diet is more Leto based now with more meat eaten. My abs are showing too as well as my obliques and my physical energy levels are great. I’m meditating at least 2-3 times per day again too. It’s funny how sex used to have a hold over me until I understood and harnessed that energy and have started using it to better myself in life. This energy can similarly be harnessed by women too. I now have goals in many other things too. Sleep is still very important to me and I get a good 7-8 hours of solid restful sleep each night. It’s all good.

It’s all good

This morning I lacked concentration at work but caught myself pretty quickly. I registered I was distracting myself and thinking thoughts I didn’t want to think so I dropped to the floor to ground myself and did a plank for a short while. It passed almost instantly then I cracked on with work. I had a great day.

We are what we think and we can change thoughts at will. Think the right thoughts and the right things will happen. It’s all good.

the ramblings of a builder who is bipolar